Stargazing experience in Bundanon

Walk the Bundanon landscape and discover stories of its biodiversity, conservation and regeneration.

Connect to a deeper sense of place with guided tours, an art-making workshop and awe-inspiring stargazing with a local astrophysicist. Throughout the weekend be treated to a culinary experience using the freshest ingredients sourced from the Shoalhaven. 


Day 1

Check in at 11am 
12pm: Light lunch  
1-3pm: A guided bushwalk with Michael Andrews, Natural Resources Manager of Bundanon, who will take guests along the waterfront at the Art Museum site
4-5pm: Art Museum exhibition tour
5.30-6pm: Pre-dinner drinks served with an amuse-bouche  
6-8pm: Three-course dinner (set menu), with drinks
From 9pm: Stargazing (optional)


Day 2

7am: Yoga (optional)
8-9am: Continental breakfast  
9.30am-12:30pm: ‘Prevailing Moods’ art-making workshop
Check out by 1pm


*Itinerary subject to change at any time. Final itinerary sent by email the week of your stay.

*Please note, sales close 10 days prior to each event.